Orders are generally processed within 2 to 5 business days.
Please note that during periods of higher activity, orders may take longer to process.
Once the order is shipped, you will receive a shipping notification email that includes a tracking link along with the estimated delivery times.
Shipping guideline:
Once your order has been processed, you will receive a shipping confirmation email that includes a tracking link, which may also include an ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival).
The following table shows the typical number of business days it will take to receive your item based on the location from which your order was shipped:
FROM | TO | Time to process order | Express | Standard |
Spain | UK | 2-4 business days | 2-3 business days | 3-5 business days |
USA | 4-6 business days | - | ||
Panama | 7-9 business days | - | ||
Spain | EU | 2-4 business days | 2-3 business days | 3-5 business days |
USA | 4-6 business days | - | ||
Panama | 7-9 business days | - | ||
Spain | USA | 2-4 business days | 3-5 business days | 5-8 business days |
USA | 1-2 business days | 3-7 business days | ||
Panama | 1-2 business days | - | ||
Spain | Australia | 2-4 business days | 4-7 business days | - |
USA | 4-6 business days | - | ||
Panama | 8-11 business days | - | ||
Spain | ROW | 2-4 business days | 7-8 business days | 10-18 business days |
USA | 4-6 business days | - | ||
Panama | 8-11 business days | - |